Sunday, 29 May 2011

Introducing Me

Today's blog post is a bit rambly... so I apologize in advance. But it's something that needs to be done.

Today's blog post is about my name - Lately, I've become tired of nicknames. And the confusion of what they mean, who calls me what and why. There's too many of them now that I feel that everything's blurred.
That no-one really knows who I am or what to call me anymore.

So, Hi. My name's Fay Heather. Nice to meet you.
Heather is my middle name but I like linking it to my first name. It took me quite a while to actually start liking my name at all. I took a complete disliking to it when I was about 12 and that's when the nicknames started.
I will always be Miss Chaos - as Misty Chaos is my most beloved nickname. But it's not who I am, it's not my name. I'll remain 'Miss Chaos' on the social networks I have that on.
But I would thank you kindly if you called me Fay... or Fay Heather, if you prefer.
I would also like to thank you if you actually read this.
It really means a lot. And I'll try not to ramble so much next time...

Hair adventures.

P.S - I should have an outfit post up soon and some more interesting posts too.

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1 comment:

  1. I like both your names. So I'll call you Fay when I am on a rush and Fay Heather when I am more relaxed.
    But to tell you the truth I also like your nick!
